ZEUS says: "While you are living in a convoluted world, where confusion, deception, and fraud are commonplace, protect yourself, family, and friends by showing them how to confront this evil and protect your hard-won freedom from extinction."
ZEUS says: "More often than not, an UNEXPECTED SURPRISE will erase current feelings of doom and gloom, and put this fractured world back on a track that has been missing for too long!"
ZEUS says: "While the world's richest country is close to becoming a bona fide KLEPTOCRACY, financially destroying its educated and productive middle-class, as it pursues a policy of guaranteeing to a tiny majority the vast wealth of the nation."
ZEUS says: "When you feel surrounded and overwhelmed by lightning-like changes in so many things which have a profound affect on your life, you are witnessing what is defined as the NEW NORMAL, a dangerous condition that is out of control!"
ZEUS says: "The use of political correctness to its extreme by many politicians perpetuates a stilted representation of some ideas which represent a clear danger to society in general."
ZEUS says: "Because of the continued accumulation of immense wealth for the few in this fast moving technological world, we are headed toward a NEW WORLD of PLUTOCRATIC DICTATORSHIPS."
ZEUS says: "Do not waste your time searching for an honest politician; instead, watch them all carefully, and take an active approach in monitoring their manipulations."
ZEUS says: "GREED for money or power is in the hands of those who are among us, and continue to deceive, at any cost to mankind."
ZEUS says: "If you compare the post second world war era with the world of today, it is similar to seeing an AGE of INNOCENCE and EXPECTATIONS that has been systematically destroyed by an attack of satanic proportions."
ZEUS says: "While your RESPECT for your religion wanes, your TRUST in people disappears, and your BELIEF in politicians ceases to exist, you are experiencing the NEW ORDER of the 20th century."
ZEUS says: "The current generation in business and politics pays little attention to accuracy and details, thereby putting us all in an extremely DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT."
ZEUS says: "A man who relies on hope alone, is doomed to fail; a man who relies on his intellect, will eventually succeed."
ZEUS says: "All the BIG CHEESES of the FINANCIAL WORLD are IN KAHOOTS helping each other get richer while all of you get poorer."
ZEUS says: "The price you pay for the use of COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY may be much too high for what you ultimately receive, and what the providers get from you."
ZEUS says: "Above everything else, an INTELLIGENT THINKER knows and uses language with the greatest precision."
ZEUS says: "With the passing of each day, the INSANITY that has grasped the soul of our planet, continues to intensify, with no end in sight."
ZEUS says: "With every new gadget created by geeks, the price paid is humanity for robotics, a rotten deal for the human denizens of this planet we call EARTH."
ZEUS says: "A business man who deserves high praise in today's world of slip-shod methods of working in the high technology environment is Elon Musk, if only because he is unique in fully using a technique where he skillfully "marries" FANTASY and INTELLIGENCE in order to create a unique product of great quality and beauty."
ZEUS says: "In today's fast moving society, people habitually forward GARBAGE to their friends via computer, without even realizing that the recipients of the sent GARBAGE may view such actions as insulting."
ZEUS says: "The biggest paradox in the Greek dilemma is that the entities claiming to help resolve the problems facing the Greek people, i.e. THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE I.M.F., etc. may be even more corrupt and dishonest than the previous governments of Greece."
ZEUS says: "Instead of many advanced countries bragging about having a democratic form of government, they ought to try claiming to have an honest government."
ZEUS says: "Remember that the words liberal and conservative are merely adjectives that qualify approaches and opinions; extremists incorrectly use these words in order to stir emotions, manipulate and place their followers in fanatic stances ."
ZEUS says: "Sadly, one of the most important of human qualities which may become extinct, if not protected by honorable citizens of the world who profess to be democratic in spirit, is trust."
ZEUS says: "When you find yourself becoming more fixed in your feelings and beliefs, unwilling to even discuss opposing views, you are well on your way to becoming a fanatic, a most painful and dangerous state of mind."
ZEUS says: "Whenever the "TECHIES" talk or write, they should get certified as experts in their language, instead of adding to the confusion, which is already out of control."
ZEUS says: "As the world continues to clean up its environment, and some areas show signs of improvement, the one abysmal failure is the lack of attention to the planet's oceans and rivers, which continue to be used as a dumping ground."
ZEUS says: "A vote inspired by anger offers no value, and should be replaced with an intelligent and calm compromise."
ZEUS says: "The robber barons of the world have been allowed, and even encouraged, by the corrupt politicians that are controlled by them, to reshape their economies as they please in order to provide them with enormous riches at the expense of the average educated law-abiding middle class."
ZEUS says: "If only this world's leaders had more wisdom, honesty, and compassion, what a wonderful life you would be enjoying!
ZEUS says: "Manufacturers of products and systems who do not provide help to their customers, deserve to fail."
ZEUS says: "If you want to be successful in life, learn to compete with yourself, rather than with others."
ZEUS says: "A much abused very necessary condition for healthy humans to maintain their ability to function properly is adequate leisure time, which allows both body and mind room for rest, replenishment, and rejuvenation."
ZEUS says: "If the often arbitrary design and development of web sites by so-called experts continues at its present pace, one day will come to be remembered as the death of these installed systems, and a new future of emptiness will arrive."
ZEUS says: "A world-wide return to FASCISM on a massive scale is the biggest imminent threat to many societies who crave and deserve freedom, democracy, security, and tolerance. The sinister forces of this evil hide behind political, financial, social, and religious justifications to influence and extract support from unthinking populaces in order to eventually achieve their goals to enslave and control them completely."
ZEUS says: "Accept that you are living in the Age of gimmickry,deviousness, and deception practiced by governments,businesses, and professionals, all without shame, and your only weapon against this attack will be your absolute refusal to participate in it!
ZEUS says: "When arrogance marries incompetence you have complete disaster!"
ZEUS says: If you have observed the planned steady replacement of glass by a vastly inferior material called plastic, for greater business profits, you have witnessed yourself being duped."
ZEUS says: "If you feel the world is in free fall going from one disaster to another, you are not alone."
ZEUS says: "In the ART of DECEPTION, inaccuracy is a major tool used to confuse and control."
ZEUS says: "If you want to take hold of your life, use what is offered by new technology to your advantage, instead of becoming its SLAVE."
ZEUS says: "If you want to succeed in today's business world, you must be intelligent, honest, and ethical in order to separate yourself from the current denizens of "The Art of Selling HOT AIR"
ZEUS says: "The Massive Fraud committed by the monopolies of high technology on their trusting customers and followers will eventually kill their industry if they do not adopt an Honest Way of doing business."
ZEUS says: If you're ever in great need to lift your spirits, imagine living in a world without politicians, but full of energetic, intelligent, and honest PUBLIC SERVANTS always ready to assist you."
ZEUS says: "Once the main motivation of businesses is to make profits at any cost, and "to hell with ethics", the destruction of civilization is near."
ZEUS says: "The rarity of a new and refreshing appearance of an individual on the political world arena who may succeed in bringing sobriety to the circus of politicians in Europe, ought to be welcomed by many who expect lasting changes to be made for the land which first introduced democracy to a world in dire need of it over two thousand years ago."
ZEUS says: "The root of so many current problems is the wide use of deceptive communications among people and their acceptance of fraudulent tactics as normal!"
ZEUS says: "The permanently entrenched ESTABLISHMENT of POWER of super-rich oligarchs and their lackeys in most governments, world-wide, has led to today's criminal policies which keep a stranglehold over the INTELLIGENTSIA and the MIDDLE-CLASSES of so many countries."
ZEUS says: "Always remember that once you pass the point of no return, corrective measures become meaningless!"
ZEUS says: "As computer usage increases, complications with great confusion, addiction, and fraud, take hold of the user, the sad victim of a potential asset that has gone astray."